Thanks for the recruiting drive
I've had some contact from the guy behind
ArmyCalc as well (which is web-based, but with work on a GUI).
When I first planned WarFoundry there didn't seem to be any other alternative army creation apps, but now there seem to be quite a few that have popped up
If only I was still a student without any real commitments then I might have been able to get something out the door sooner, but as it is I never have as much time as I'd like. I don't suppose someone feels like paying me enough to support me, my wife and kid as well as a mortgage so that I can work on WarFoundry full time, do they?
I've got a PM from Benny, so I'll reply to that and see how we can cooperate for best benefit.
In terms of recruiting people, more developers would always be good. There are about three other people with developer access now, but only Gregmita committed anything (a little quick fix copied from the GTK app IIRC, because the WinForms app was out of date compared to the back-end).
The next type of people who'd need to be "recruited" will be testers. I don't know if you've been watching the commit messages and my
DevLog, but I'd started work on file saving, so it'll soon be more usable in the long term