by Simguinus at 08 Mar 2006, 22:57
Once you've installed pattern switcher, and created the requisite folders, you need to run pattern switcher and import the pattern(s) you want to use that time round. Then launch DoW fom the PS menu. I think you can only use one pattern per 'race' so you can't import the Blood Angels pattern and the Legion of the Damned pattern at the same time.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong....
There's a difference between skins and patterns, which is probably best explained by an expert (i.e not me)
Ego Ordinis Mallei Inquisitor, per auctoritate Digamma, Decimatio, Duodecies, ultimum exterminatum planetae [insert here] cum extrema celeritate impero.
(roughly; 'I, Ordo Malleus Inquisitor, hereby authorise Death, Destruction, Doom, the total extermination of the planet "blah" with the most extreme and imperative speed.')
In a galaxy of a million worlds, what does the death of one matter?
Simguinus, Chief Historitor ... e_id=66353