I know I've got the suggestions box for things like this, but it doesn't get used and I've got the best part of 1TB (yes, Terrabyte, well, approximately anyway) going to waste. Each month I tend to use around 20GB of bandwidth, even with the larger downloads, but that's mainly because people know the FileFront network and so won't look much further once they know it's there, even if there are better (and advert free!) alternatives available
Anyway, I was wondering if anyone had ideas on features to be added or things that could be made available that would make better use of the bandwidth
I did think about offering to hose mods, but even the Space Hulk mod has apparently had over 1100 downloads in the space of a few days, and at 70MB I still wouldn't be able to handle many of those!
My other idea was image hosting - let long-term members and submitters have their own gallery so that they could use HWT instead of something like ImageShack. Would people want that?
The only other alternative at the moment for making the most of the bandwidth is to give people "@hiveworldterra.co.uk" email addresses if they want them, although with the competition from GMail and the like I don't suppose many people would need them.
I've got a few ideas for the site as well - searching in articles and downloads being one of them (I've just got to get round to working on it) and an RSS feed of the news being another (for those who use RSS) but any other ideas would be great