Yeah, the mod is being a slight pain at the moment though - we've got the 1.4 Hotfix, but the WA hotfix keeps crashing. Hopefully I'll be able to make a full 1.4 version soon, but it might have to be after Christmas, depending on how assignments go :\
As for the Navigation, I thought it would be obvious enough as it was that "Downloads" contained anything you might want to download. Apparently not for some people
Also, if you're using one of the more up to date browsers then you get (and always have had) rather cool hover effects
nothing major, just a bit of simple "you're hovering here" styling.
I would hope we could reach 10,000 visitors in November, but with two and a bit days left we're about 900 visitors short (more like 700 if I up the one day that got 43 hits to something closer to normal). It is possible, just not very likely.
As for bandwidth, Skins@HWT is currently running on about 13.5GB for the month until, according to the stats page, "25-Nov-2005 20:15 CST". That averages out at around half a gig a day. No where near the bandwidth limit that this site has!
We need more submissions and more visitors...