First things first, greetings!
I guess I'm not the only one who thinks Dark Eldar skins are plain ugly... while the models themselves are great and have a lot of potential. After a little practice with using DoW texture tool (and ~6 years of skinning for other games), I decided to start a series of skins giving the evil xeno guys and girls a better look.
Without further ado, screenies!
(around 1,174kb total
) reskin (almost done). Added non-teamcolorable golden trim and armor parts (inspired by Golden Eagle marine skin series), more detail, redone face (skin color inspired by Battle March Dark Elves), gave him new eyes with pupils. Perhaps black eyes are more true-to-fluff but he looks so much better now with some sense in his eyes ^^ reskin (WIP). Mainly, body skin changes, added tatoos and changed skin tone. Will have more detail on armor and weapons. Perhaps will give her eyes similar to Archon's. reskin (WIP). Not entirely true-to fluff, but he looks meaner this way
Still thinking of what to add, but will keep the face for sure. of Destruction reskin (almost done). Asdrubael Vect is one and only, so is his vehicle! Thus, team color on it would have looked stupid, I reskinned whole thingy so it looks like GW model this way. Warriors still have team color though, which is great. Reskinned Vect to actually look like Vect, and gave his slaves Leia costumes ^^ The eyes are red as shown on GW artwork, don't know if I should make them green to match the rest of my skins.
(Used parts of GW photos and artwork during making Dais of Destruction skin, credit for lightnings on front vehicle part, skulls and sides of throne, and slave costume goes to GW artists. All Games Workshop stuff (c) Games Workshop)
Tatoos and glyphs were made using Michael Dolan's Dark Eldar font (get it here:
Waiting for your comments and criticism!