First thing's first: Please use new lines and paragraphs so people can read your messages without having their brain dribble out of their ears. A few extra fullstops and capitalisations wouldn't hurt either.
As for GW being greedy, yes, very much so. That's the main reason why my purchases are now done at online stores who give discounts (although I don't tend to make too many purchases any more).
GW's pricing scheme seems to go along the lines of how much the unit/squad/vehicle is worth in game as much as the actual content of the box. I remember the days when a champion in Warhammer was £3, a command group (standard bearer and musician) was £4 and three normal metal infantry men were £5. Now champions are more likely to be £5. Lords (who were about £5 because of the additional detail) are now £6 or £7.
On the plus side, GW have improved the quality and details of their models, and they do beat just about any other model I've seen (even when I first started gaming over twelve years ago). Not that it's worth the amount of the price hikes, but their comparatively higher prices are fractionally justified by quality.
If you haven't done already, I'd recommend you read our
Games Workshop on a budget article. Even if you've already got all the models you want for a while then it has suggestions for paints and things. Commercialism is rife, and GW are just following a trend. After all, people are stupid enough to pay up to £50 for a single computer game for a games console when they'll normally be £35 on a PC and down to £20 in a few months, so doing the same with models isn't surprising.