I bought a WW1 tank a long while ago with the intention of changing it slighltly and painting it up in chapter colours as a landraider
the origional tank
initially I just turned it upsidedown so the tracks were sloping the right way and moved the sponsons/other attachments so they were the right way round.
I was going to pass it off as a old model of land raider as it looks like a longer thinner MK2 land raider, when they didnt have covers over the top tracks like they do now. However, the pre heresey LR looks the same as the new MK3 but with stacked lascannons so I decided to make it a bit more like that
enter a bit of cardboard and you have this
I've edited out some bits that were added later
I then stole the rhino doors from the predator kit
still a little unsatisfied I added a few more touches
1. Pintle mounted storm bolter turret and marine from predator kit
2. Searchlight also from pred
3. Sloped bit of tank moved, twin shootas from gorkamorka trakk for twin heavy bolters
4. tops on sponsoons make it more like pre-heresey LR