by Simguinus at 23 Apr 2006, 01:43
As well as being VIktor the Ventrue in Underworld, Bill Nighy was also in Love First, the voice of Sam Gamgee in the mighty BBC Radio 4 adaptation of LOTR, and also appeared in "Yes, Minister" (Episode "Jobs for the Boys" Season 2). He was also Shaun's step-dad in Shaun of the Dead.
John Malkovich has been significant as Valmont in Dangerous Liasons, Cyrus the Virus in Con Air, Charles VII in Jean d'Arc (the Luc Besson version), Tom Ripley in the infiinitely superior to "The Talented Mr Ripley"; "Ripley's Game", and F.W Murnau in the hilarious and disturbing "Shadow of a Vampire."
Both are the kind of character actors who regularly portray small parts and villains - Underworld and Con Air. Ripley's Game are odd leading roles for both. Yet both are the kind of actor who very rarely appears in something poor, and always delivers the goods. Malkovich as Ripley is by far and away the better portrayal versus the insipid and slighlty camp Matt Damon, whose performance in Talented Mr Ripley was far from talented.
Ego Ordinis Mallei Inquisitor, per auctoritate Digamma, Decimatio, Duodecies, ultimum exterminatum planetae [insert here] cum extrema celeritate impero.
(roughly; 'I, Ordo Malleus Inquisitor, hereby authorise Death, Destruction, Doom, the total extermination of the planet "blah" with the most extreme and imperative speed.')
In a galaxy of a million worlds, what does the death of one matter?
Simguinus, Chief Historitor ... e_id=66353