by Simguinus at 12 Aug 2006, 08:40
I don't actually play BFG, no. However, I did have a few games of BFG during a GoD (Galaxy of Damnation) Campaign that I played in with some friends at Uni. Having played original Space Fleet and quite liked it, I was actually rather pleased with BFG as an update to this excellent genre of 40K universe combat
In the GoD game, we split conflicts between BFG and 40K. At any given planet there was a possiblity of encountering a defence fleet / installations. Of if you ran up against a world owned by another player, you could squar eoff against their fleet. I played Imperial Guard - so had an entirely Imperial Navy fleet - no Space Marine Battle Barges or anything like that.
Of course, some the early stage games were a bit daft. We had 12000 points worth of fleet each - and we had the models for it. So one of my early encounters did involve 12000 points of Imperial ships bearing down on about 2000 points of Orks.....
Ego Ordinis Mallei Inquisitor, per auctoritate Digamma, Decimatio, Duodecies, ultimum exterminatum planetae [insert here] cum extrema celeritate impero.
(roughly; 'I, Ordo Malleus Inquisitor, hereby authorise Death, Destruction, Doom, the total extermination of the planet "blah" with the most extreme and imperative speed.')
In a galaxy of a million worlds, what does the death of one matter?
Simguinus, Chief Historitor ... e_id=66353