by Space marine at 09 Apr 2006, 14:21
Hey, I didn't know that charachters could perform killing moves, because, for example when the Force Commander or Librarian was in colose combat, they never did any killing moves, but i have now seen the Librarian perform a killing move vs. the Eldar avatar, in which he is knocked to the ground, rolls over and zaps the avatar with some lightning from his fingers, he then grabs his staff and bonks the avatar on the head. Now, I was wondering whether the chaplain vs. Bloodthirster scene in winter assault was actually a killing move or just a well choreographed fight. I checked this and it is indeed a killing move, so it appears that charachters will do killing moves vs. huge monsters. NOTE: The ork warboss + mek always did have killing moves, because they ARE huge monsters, but the SM charachters and the eldar Farseer + the Chaos charachters certainly didn't have any. The Imperial guard do. My point is, it seems that the long waited for (in my oppinion) apperance of a killing move for the SM charachters was always there, but they could only ever utilize them against monsters.