WoW is fun. I played since launch until now. I am just fed up with it. You get to max level, and if you dont want to play 24/7 you can't really pvp. At the moment, if you didn't get a head start in the PvE raiding environment at launch of the expansion, your basically screwed. There is a massive gap of gear that most players don't want to take the newer lvl80's due to not being geared enough. So it comes to a stand still. Not to mention the game has never, and will never, be balanced in pvp. One class always seems to dominate.
WAR is different. Its very different from WoW, almost so different its hard to compare. WAR looks a lot better (in my opinion, some would disagree) and has unique classes. No two classes are alike, and instead of picking a race and class combo, each race has 4 unique classes(the exception being the Greenskins with two goblins and two orcs). One of the biggest issues I have with MMO's is the look of your character. You play a paladin in wow but level up looking nothing like one, with the random pieces of gear you find off anything. With WAR, each class has its own unique gear only it can use, so you always have your unique look.
I recently upgraded my game to a full account and with that I have really decided to choose Order over Destruction. I am now playing a Knight of the Blazing Sun, Empire of course. Also a High Elf Shadow Warrior.
And to IBBoard, most of that concept actually did make it to the game.
If your interested, ... 6BRD-TRPTI That is the 10 day trial. Its 100% free for 10 days of play with a few restrictions. It will only allow you to get to level 10, and play in tier 1 on realms Badlands and Phoenix Throne. I play Order on the Badlands realm, my characters are Steeliris(shadow warrior) and Sunbrand(kotbs). Destruction on Phoenix Throne, Azlindaz(Blackguard) and Gutspilla(black orc).