Looks like I need to change the topic title to "DoW2 won't have modding":
Hirmetrium: What sort of mod support will be available?
Jonny: Having worked with the Essence Engine for 3 years now, it's just not a moddable engine. The Dawn of War engine was built from the ground up to be mod friendly and the stakes were much lower then. Animation trees were an order of magnitude simpler, units took half the time to make… basically our choice was this:
Re-write the essence engine to make it moddable and give you 1/3 the game you're getting, or focus on making Dawn of War II the game it is today. We chose the latter. As someone who loves the mods I've seen in DoW, it was a painful, painful decision, but I think it was the decision we had to make.
Hirmetrium: One of the most heavily asked questions is about the army painter – this was an incredible feature in the original, customising your own army with banners, badges and colours. It really captured the spirit of tabletop. Is the feature returning fully in Dawn of War 2, with improvements?
Jonny: Yes there will be an army painter! And yes, there will be some really cool toys to play with! I was playing with it this morning as a matter of fact...
The full interview that this is taken from has been up on
RelicNews Forums since the 11th - I've only just read it. It's an interview with Jonny Ebbert, Lead Designer on DoW2.
It's a shame really because it greatly reduces the chances of me bothering with DoW2. I might buy it when it's down to £10 just for the "it's a GW game and I'm a bit of a kleptomaniac on that front", but it's not going to get the attention that DoW2 did and it means it is unclear whether there will be anything for Skins@HWT to contribute to the next game.