Despite the fact that one of the GW Staffers at Bolton said that Warseer only get things right on fluke, they seem to have done quite well with the things I've seen! First the sketch of the Mek turns out to be a new Mek model, then there's Kommandos...
I'm not so sure on the Kommandos at the moment. I guess they're much Orkier and closer to the current range, but I like my older-style converted ones where they're being more Imperial Guard-y with the camo and things.
GW sneek peaks are at:
White Dwarf Online sneak peak 1 - Kommandos
White Dwarf Online sneak peak 2 - Kommando Heavy Weapons
The burna boy and big shoota boy for them look good, and I like the Ork in the background of the first shot with his stikk bomb, but the rest of them...not Kommando-enough.