by Simguinus at 22 Mar 2006, 15:12
There's something about the Imperium in general that's attractive to most new players. It's probably a lot to do with the 'they're humans, we're humans' aspect. After Imperial troops, it's probably Orks that come next in the popularity stakes - although the Tau and the general popularity of anime-style things just now may have shaken that demographic a little.
It's just a little annoying that GW lavish so many pages these days on SMs - and the Imperial Guard, while not producing *ahem* Clanbooks for the Orks....not like in the Good Ole DaysTM (:roll:) when we had 'Ere We Go!, Waaagh: The Orks and Freebooterz to enjoy...especially the Freebooterz. Come back, Flash Gitz, all is forgiven. You may have had squigskin carrying cases, but at least you didn't have Ooge Choppaz.
Ego Ordinis Mallei Inquisitor, per auctoritate Digamma, Decimatio, Duodecies, ultimum exterminatum planetae [insert here] cum extrema celeritate impero.
(roughly; 'I, Ordo Malleus Inquisitor, hereby authorise Death, Destruction, Doom, the total extermination of the planet "blah" with the most extreme and imperative speed.')
In a galaxy of a million worlds, what does the death of one matter?
Simguinus, Chief Historitor ... e_id=66353