OK, so I missed a week's gaming (GW Manchester get that many gamers that you need to register for a Monday or Tuesday night game in the week beforehand and I forgot until it was too late) but I played again on Tuesday
I got beat though by Dark Eldar. We played a Recon mission, so it was VPs for units as normal plus extras for getting into the enemy deployment zone. It was a good game, though, very friendly guy who ended up being in charge of a new Wargames Society at my Uni, so I signed up for that
Basic report: we played down the length of the table for a change, my trakks moved too far and got blown up (wasn't thinking properly), my Kommandos were too far forward and didn't get support before the Jetbikes jumped on them, my Looted Pred was taken out by fire from a Ravager, the Lootas were killed by the Jetbikes, but then the jetbikes were destroyed by the shoota boys! On the other flank, I misjudged things again, my Grots didn't make it through the terrain as fast as I hoped, so I didn't get very far along the table top, and then everyone got cut down by a huge hail of Splinter Rifle fire having moved to 7" away - just too far to charge!
From the pointers the guys gave me, I'm going to reshuffle my army a bit and focus it more, next time I buy some stuff. I'll drop the Pred, the Trakks (two, one with twin-linked big shootas and one with Skorcha) and the 11 Stikkbommas (plus the Shootier upgrade on my Warboss' More Dakka Shootier Shoota! I need a spare point and it's the least useful). I'll then replace them with another Kan and a Dreadnought, 20 more grots (20 grots die too easily - I want a big meat shield ), 12 more Shoota Boyz (they're the slightly smaller of my two main mobs at the moment, but still do well in combat, even though they're equiped with shootas) and five more slugga boyz.
So far I've already got a second hand Dread and Kan that need stripping and painting, all of the slugga boyz I need (two painted and unused, three unpainted) and five of the 12 shoota boys. All I need is two Dreadnought rockets, a box of Goblins and a box or two of boys (probably two by the time I plan my 2000pt army ). Unfortunately the Rokkits have to come from GW, but the plastics will be bought from the discounted shop online
That'll leave me with more boyz (28 Shootas including Nob and 23 Slugga Boyz including nob instead of 16, 18 and 11 stikk bommas) and more of a Dread Stomp/Boyz Rush army than a slightly unfocused rabble
Now, time to go and plan my 2000pt extension