These models were clip-together and shields were moulded on to bodies. There was much debate as to whether they were going to replace regiments (nooo) be cheap filler models (maybe) or form part of the new 7thEd WHFB box (not too good either).
Visited the page again recently, and GW legal have forced him to take the photo down why I don't know, I think it was just a photo taken at a games day, I could be wrong though.
However, worse news, from the GW France site, here, look at the releases of " CLIP-GUERRIERS DU CHAOS", " CLIP-ORQUES" etc.
The description for the orcs reads:
"Contient 4 Orques faciles à monter. Ces figurines sont parfaites pour augmenter une unité déjà existante ou pour en débuter une nouvelle."
Someone might be able to translate better than me but its something like
Contains 4 easy mount (?-fix?) orcs. The figures are perfect to augment an already existing unit or to start a new one.
Yes folks, thats 10E for single pose, clip together, shield moulded orcs. Four of them.
FOUR? FOR TEN EUROS? Thats about £6.80 at the mo, works out at £30 for 19 orcs (how many you get in an £18 regiment)
This is rubbish