by Simguinus at 08 Apr 2006, 21:01
We're coming back to Ooge Choppas again here....
Sorry to keep bringing them up, but they're a pet hate, and they epitomise things about the Orks that just get my feckles up....
I don't mean by Orkyness that everything an Ork does should be on the whim of at least 4 different die types. I like that they've removed many of the random tables. I don't think Orky character has been lost, just debased. In earlier Ork supplements there was more 'fluff' and less gangsta spelling; it was pretty much limited to replacing 'c' with 'k' and pluralisin' with 'z' - oh, and missin' out extraneous 'g's. It was more, subtle, for want of a better term....sometimes now the Orks just seem very juvenile, and far from maturing seem to have gone in quite the oppostie direction; like GW are kiddifying them. Or *shudder* turning them into the Chavs of the 40K universe.
And 2nd Ed to 3rd Ed transition period was godwaful for bringing out army books and presenting the army-to-end-all-armies-at-least-until-we-publish-the-next-supplement....I'll have to glance over the Ork Codex when it comes out, just to see what its like.
Ego Ordinis Mallei Inquisitor, per auctoritate Digamma, Decimatio, Duodecies, ultimum exterminatum planetae [insert here] cum extrema celeritate impero.
(roughly; 'I, Ordo Malleus Inquisitor, hereby authorise Death, Destruction, Doom, the total extermination of the planet "blah" with the most extreme and imperative speed.')
In a galaxy of a million worlds, what does the death of one matter?
Simguinus, Chief Historitor ... e_id=66353