Urgrim Iceclaw, Orc Warlord Of The Northern Wastes


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Warmaster Horus

RE: Urgrim Iceclaw, Orc Warlord Of The Northern Wastes

Postby Warmaster Horus at 17 Jul 2002, 19:24

Basic Background: Urgrim had faced a Chaos force in his early days as a boy in a mob, at the end of the battle he faces a sorceror, light flashes, all goes dark, wakes up with urges to go north. Reaches Northern wastes, sees big sharp, blade like piece of ice jutting out from glacier, strange blue glow. When he goes to grab it, a white bolt of lightning is sillouhetted against the sky then strikeshis hand, arm freezez up to elbow, blade comes free. Dons White glove, uses magical ice blade, sybol becomes white ligtning bolt on Black field, gathers bands of Orcs from nothern mountains and raids Kislev and Ostermark(?)

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RE: Urgrim Iceclaw, Orc Warlord Of The Northern Wastes

Postby IBBoard at 30 Sep 2002, 19:05

Nice, any more detail?
I'm working on the background for my 40K orks. I'll have to report it here as well as at the website when I get it finished :)
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